Jumat, 10 Juni 2016

The Role of Young Generation in Counter-terrorism

My name is Yudha Septian Kurniawan. Now, I am studying at University of Bengkulu by taking English Education Postgraduate Study Programme. I was graduated at 2014 from Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Bengkulu with the same major, English Education Programme. When I was undergraduate student, I was really glad joining some organization such as association of students.  There were some of coalescence that had followed by me. For example, I had experience to be a leader of student compilation of Pencak Silat Rejang Pat Petulai and association of English Student Community. Being such a leader had gave me a worth experience that would unforgetable. Those included management of organization in which handled lot of people who had different vision and mision, in which develop its organization by doing some events and many more. The important thing that I should had as a leader was selfonfidence and speaking ability in front of many people. At the time, it was really complicated for me in controlling them and being atractive speaker. But, fortunately i was be able to do it time by time. By having those experiences, I feel that I have more selftconfidence, selfcontrol and selfesteem.
I am 24 years old.   As one of young generation, I think that many ways can be followed in order to show up our role or existence in this globalization era, especially in nationalism such as counter terrorism.  Everyone can do it even they are not volunteer in the organization against terrorism. On the other side, I am not one of them but I am only an English teacher for senior high school (namely SMAN 1 Bengkulu Tengah) in Bengkulu province. Even only a teacher, I believe that I have big chance to do my role in counter-terrorism. One of my real contribute is teaching the student. I can teach them everything includes culture, language, esthetic, ethic, more over about nationalism. In doing my task as a teacher, I have the authority to teach them about the understanding of terrorism directly. Even I am English teacher, in learning and teaching process, I am not only might teach them about English but also I can play my role as young generation by combining the course among English, Islamic, and nationalism that related to the counter-terrorism. When I was teaching them, it seems that I had great way to put some moral value which antipodes with terrorism by conveying the materials which is easy understood and presenting the basic knowledge about “what terrorist is”, how to resist them, and how to defend sense of belong toward our beloved country. Those all can be applied by bring about some activities or events like as seminar that oppose any movement which aim to terrorism or indeed such positive events such as charity with the objective to implant the value of amorousness toward the birthplace.
In my opinion, terrorism is always growing and developing in our country, Indonesia. That is because of Indonesia which is not really care about citizen’s awareness toward nationalism. That’s way, some group of terrorist (e.g ISIS) can entry Indonesia easily and grow quickly. They didn’t attack us with a guns but they try to resemble the young generation because that our country’s bright future in handed on young generation. Why they pursue the young generation?  That is because they are in changing period that can be influenced easily by terrorist. They don’t have the aims or goals in their life, yet. That’s why I want to concern to be a teacher who can change the condition of the country which known that is crisis of morality. Some of Research aimed at explaining terrorism has focused on the psychological characteristics of individual terrorists, the nature of terrorist organizations, and the social or cultural environments in which terrorist organizations emerge. The psychology of terrorists. In a useful summation of the literature, Ross (a researcher that concern on terrorism) has identified seven psychological approaches that have been used in efforts to understand terrorists: psychoanalytical, learning, frustration-aggression, narcissism-aggression, trait, developmental, and motivational/rational choice. Finding some merit in each, though none is satisfactory in itself, he proposes an integration of their key features in a model consisting of five "etiological features of terrorism listed in increasing order of importance" (on his book p. 182) and it is one of reasons why I give understanding of terrorism to my students through psychology approach in my teaching learning proccess. John Quincy Adams also said that  If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. —John Quincy Adams
Without the right kind of stimulus, people produce mediocre work and drain out quickly. Some get inspired by power, some by incentives, some by appreciation and some by interesting work. It is your responsibility to identify specific motivation factors in your employees and empower them. Your effort to nourish the team will also indicate that you care for them, which in turn is a great fuel to boost productivity and loyalty. Finally,  I believe that our country will be a country that respected by the world if young generation in this country can gives their role as well as possible.